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Product Part Number: 10517
Pack Size: 250 Seeds
When to Sow Perpetual Spinach Seeds
March to August.
Where to Sow
Sow thinly in shallow drills 2cm (3/4") deep with 35-45cm (15-18") between rows.
What to do Next
Do not transplant seedlings. As they appear gradually thin until plants are spaced 20cm (8") apart. Pull rather than cut leaves as required, leaving plants to continue to develop. Ready to harvest in approximately 65 days from sowing.
Nutritional Values
Rich in Beta carotene, calcium and iron
All year round
Handy Tip
Treat like cut and come again Lettuce, regular cropping of young leaves encourages new growth. May benefit from being protected by fleece during cold temperatures.
Type | Vegetable |
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