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Product Part Number: 10829
Pack Size: 50 Seeds
When to Sow 'Brendan' Brussels Sprout Seeds
Sow in March - April. These are a late season variety so they won't be ready until Mid-December to January/February.
Where to Sow
Sow the seeds thinly in trays or two seeds per cell in modules under glass at 13 degrees celsius. Later sowings can be made into a seed bed in shallow drills 2cm (3/4") deep in short rows.
What to do next
As soon as glasshouse seedlings show their first pair of leaves, prick off into trays 5cm (2") apart or thin modules to one seedling per cell. Gradually harden off before planting out when about 15cm (6") tall. Plant in beds 60cm (24") between plants and 90cm (36") between the rows. Outdoor sowings should be thinned to 7-10cm (3-4") apart, then when large enough, lifted and transplanted to their final planting positions, spaced as above.
Handy Tip
Always plant Brussels Sprouts on firm ground, as this will ensure plants produce tight buttons.
Rich in vitamins A & B and more C than any other vegetable.
Type | Vegetable |
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